While he opened a collective in Oregon where his followers toiled in the fields, he managed to gain power of attorney over them and used nearly all their money to purchase a fleet of Rolls-Royce automobiles and drove them around the compound. Rajneesh actually flaunted the fact that he exploited his followers. However, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh decided to take the opposite approach, which led him to establish a community that was relatively peaceful right up until the moment he decided to attempt to overthrow the Governor of Oregon and launch a bioterror attack. Some rely on suing the bejezus out of dissidents others rely on mass suicide, shootouts with the feds, creating their own uncritical media outlets, or putting rattlesnakes in mailboxes. Many cults use ways of trying to keep the truth about their organizations hidden from the rest of the world. "I created these homes because I was missing my parents and if people want to see it as redemption then I must need redemption, take it and move on.Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931–1990) was an Indian mystic, spiritual teacher and cult leader. Ma Anand Sheela also bought and managed two nursing homes in Switzerland, an act she is aware that may look like she is seeking redemption. I cared for Bhagwan in his commune, I care now for my own disabled people," she explained. "I'm living whatever I've learnt from Bhagwan's communal lifestyle where you complement one another. Today, the 70-year-old continues to practise Osho's way of communal living. She eventually moved to Switzerland and married Urs Birnstiel, who was also an Osho believer. However, I can’t forget my love for him and I am eternally grateful for that.” On being accused by Osho, she said, “Whatever he said made me sad but it was his problem and not mine. Ma Anand Sheela also repeatedly tried to poison Osho's caretaker and girlfriend, Ma Yoga Vivek, and his personal physician, Swami Devaraj (whose real name is George Meredith), and finally left the ashram in disgrace. She was sentenced to 20 years in a federal prison but was released on parole after serving only 39 months of her sentence. Ma Anand Sheela, who served as Osho’s secretary and personal aide from 1981-85 before pleading guilty to attempted murder and assault for her role in the bio-terror attack orchestrated in 1984 in Rajneeshpuram. On her fallout with the guru and life after Osho And the way he said 'Seela'.," Ma Anand Sheela reminisced. You should see some of the photographs and see how he looked at me. In addition to reiterating her love for Rajneesh, she said that he was also very much in love with her. Johar also tried to decode the nature of the relationship Ma Anand Sheela shared with her guru, Osho. They want freedom from their relationships and enjoy themselves." On her love for Osho
When asked whether she’s also an advocate of Osho’s theories of free sex, she said, "Not just me, but I think everybody believes in it secretly. It's like when you are attracted to somebody, you express your attraction.” She underlined the fact there was never any misuse of sexuality, contrary to what audiences may have thought when they watched the Netflix series. When asked about the way of life inside Osho’s utopian communes (in both Pune and Rajneeshpuram in Oregon, USA), Ma Anand Sheela said, "There was no misuse of sexuality in our commune in Pune or in Rajneeshpuram. On free sex and sexuality inside Osho’s communes